FFT Attendance Awards
St John & St James’ received a FFT National Award for pupil attendance. We pride ourselves on our fantastic pupil attendance levels which are above the expected national average percentages.
Here at SJSJ we are incredibly proud of our achievements and awards. Have a look at some of the things that we have achieved in recent years…
St John & St James’ received a FFT National Award for pupil attendance. We pride ourselves on our fantastic pupil attendance levels which are above the expected national average percentages.
We are delighted to announce that we, St John and St James have achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award for the second year in a row. The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
Unicef have awarded SJSJ a Rights Respecting Schools GOLD award in recognition of our outstanding work across the school. Each class has two RRS ambassadors, who meet regularly to come up with ideas about how we can promote the rights of children. This year, as well as awarding individual children with awards each week, the RRS team have decided that they will offer daily recognition by handing out special stickers to children that they spot respecting the rights of all children.
We are proud to announce that The Green Team have been awarded a Bronze certificate by Eco-Schools for their hard work so far this year! The Green Team have been working towards making our school a more sustainable place to be. They have completed an environmental review and established three key focus points which they intend to work on this academic year. Look out for the amazing events and campaigns that they have planned over the upcoming weeks!
We are delighted to share that we have been selected as part of the Mayor’s Gold Club for our outstanding achievements in maths across the school.
The Mayor’s London Schools’ Gold Club is an annual scheme which celebrates and shares exceptional practice in London’s schools. Gold Club members have ‘bucked the trend’ by achieving exceptional outcomes for all their pupils, whatever their circumstances. The school to school programme allows all schools across London to learn from the good practice of Gold Club schools in improving pupils’ aspirations and achievements. Funded by the Mayor, it’s a free opportunity to find out what Gold Club schools are doing to make a difference for their pupils and how they’re doing it.
In 2017, Healthy Schools London awarded St John & St James a Bronze award for kick starting our journey to encourage all students to be happy and healthy. Schools across London are working together to help children learn about their health, and develop their motivation and self respect to make healthy choices.
In 2019, our award rating has been upgraded to the Silver award!
We are delighted to announce that St John & St James has been awarded an International School Award by the British Council. Throughout the school children are exposed to Spanish lessons which not only encourage communication in a different language, but also offer children with the opportunity to explore similarities and differences between cultures and lifestyles; all of this has been recognised in the process of achieving this award.
We are extremely pleased to announce that SJSJ has been awarded the Silver Hackney Primary Spanish Award; the judges were incredibly impressed by the Spanish curriculum at SJSJ and will be back next year to judge our school against the Gold Award standards!
To view our school inspection report, click here.
Well done to everybody at SJSJ!
We are incredibly proud to announce that SJSJ has been accredited with the TFL Silver STARS award. As a school we were recognised for demonstrating very good modal shift and improvements in active travel, and this is something that we look forward to continuing over the coming academic year.
We are proud to announce that SJSJ has been awarded with the Instrument Fund for Ensemble Development; this will allow us to purchase new sets of instruments for the children to explore and further develop their talents.