Home Learning at St John and St James CofE Primary School
Each half term, you will receive a Home Learning Overview. You will be able to find these under your child’s class area on this page. Your child’s class teacher will also upload them to Google Classroom each half term. This document outlines the home learning expectations for the half term, including reading, spelling, maths, humanities and science.
Daily Home Learning
Children are expected to read at least 5 times a week and record this reading in their home reading journal. Home reading journals and home reading books are expected to be in school every day and are checked by an adult each morning. In Year 1 and 2, home reading books are changed twice a week and parents are expected to write in the home reading journals. In Key Stage Two, we expect children to be reading their Accelerated Reader book at home every evening and writing a reflection in their home reading journal including the date, the title of the book, the author, the pages read and a short summary of what they read.
Children complete a weekly spelling test and will be provided with the words they will be tested on one week before their test by their class teacher on Google Classroom. We expect children to practise their spellings for 10-15 minutes each evening using practise sheets provided as well as using the Spelling Shed app.
Children are expected to practise their times tables at home daily; fluency and speed with these is pivotal to supporting accuracy and confidence with all areas of the maths curriculum. We strongly encourage children to use their Timetables Rockstars account daily to support this.
Weekly Home Learning
Each week, your child will be set some maths questions either on the Mathletics App or via a worksheet set on Google Classroom. These questions are consolidation questions of the week’s learning and are an essential activity for your child to revisit the maths concept taught in class that week. Your teacher will provide the answers on Google Classroom, so you can self mark your responses.
On the homework overview, you will also see a humanities and science question for each week of the half term. Please ask your child this question each week, as it is a recap of their week’s learning. If they find it challenging to answer, you can encourage them to carry out some independent research in order to find the answer. This will support them in their understanding of the following week’s learning.