Here at St John and St James’, our curriculum is designed to inspire and motivate pupils while providing for their academic, moral, physical, creative, personal and social development.
Our broad and balanced curriculum is designed to provide pupils with a powerful knowledge that takes them beyond their everyday experiences, regardless of their background, inspiring them to be advocates of change and leaders of social justice. Our inclusive curriculum is personalised for all learners and delivered in a safe and secure environment, in which every child is accepted and valued for their individuality, is motivated to learn, allowed to think critically and challenge stereotypes. It shapes the pupils’ vision of how they perceive the world around them both past and present and how this shapes and impacts on their everyday lives. Our school vision, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself”, underpins all that we do, by treating others how we wish to be treated, we promote a school culture ingrained in mutual respect, understanding and compassion for those around us.
Physical and mental well-being are prioritised within our curriculum allowing children opportunities to exhibit spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.
A clearly thought out progression of the curriculum, encompassing national expectations, permits pupils to learn a range of concepts that are consolidated and developed as they advance through the school allowing them to flourish. Clear strategic planning allows our curriculum to be dynamic and adapt to the context of the school and pupils’ needs. Teacher subject knowledge is fundamental to the successful teaching of our curriculum. Teachers are supported by leaders to develop their curriculum pedagogy. Knowledge organisers are produced for topics taught, outlining key concepts and vocabulary, to ensure a depth of knowledge and progression across the year groups. Key questions of enquiry are planned for units of work which pupils are given opportunities to make judgements about and share their learning. Pupils reflect on their learning and feedback allows them to identify next steps for improvement. Teaching and learning is responsive to pupils’ needs and a range of approaches used along with resources to inspire and engage pupils in their learning such as artefacts, photographs, texts, films and paintings. Trips and visits are carefully planned to enrich learning and to ensure pupils experience and visit a range museums & galleries across London. Key texts used in writing link to topics taught which increase pupils’ exposure to subject specific concepts and vocabulary in a variety of contexts.
Leaders monitor throughout the year to gauge the impact of the curriculum design and to identify successes and highlighting areas of development. Learning is assessed against key skills and knowledge at the end of each unit of work, which shows learners are developing detailed knowledge and skills across the whole curriculum. We don’t confuse coverage with progress when assessing, as learning is measured through careful analysis of the application of skills across the curriculum; showing how acquisition of knowledge is enhanced by expectations to evidence quality thinking and demonstrating individual understanding.
Every child and family who joins our school will have their own knowledge and experiences that will link to their culture and wider family. This might include: languages, beliefs, traditions, cultural and family heritage, interests, travel and work.
Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work.
Cultural capital gives power. It helps children achieve goals, become successful, and rise up the social ladder without necessarily having wealth or financial capital. Cultural capital is having assets that give children the desire to aspire and achieve social mobility whatever their starting point.
Gradually widening children’s experiences as they progress through school is an important step in providing rich and engaging learning across the curriculum. We plan carefully for children to have progressively richer experiences from their first day at school to the end of this stage of their education.
To view a copy of our Trips and Visits overview for the 2024-2025 Academic Year, please click here.