Each year, the school senior leadership team develop a school self evaluation summary.
On this page, you will find the St John & St James’ School Self Evaluation for April 2023 to March 2024.
Overall Effectiveness
Grade: Outstanding |
Exceptional teaching, an excellent curriculum and exemplary behaviour management combine to give pupils at St John and St James outstanding outcomes.
The curriculum is rich and diverse and provides many opportunities for children to acquire knowledge and apply skills effectively across subjects. |
Quality of Education
Grade: Outstanding |
The quality of education provided is excellent.
Pupils’ education is based on expertly designed curriculum plans for each subject, which are well thought out and connected across the year groups. Pupils develop the deep knowledge and understanding they need for the next stage in their education. Reading, writing and the development of excellent communication skills are prioritised. |
Behaviour and Attitudes
Grade: Outstanding |
The behaviour and attitudes of pupils demonstrate their high levels of respect for each other and creates a school environment where difference is valued, tolerance shown and bullying is never tolerated. Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning and are motivated to do their best and engage in all learning experiences. Pupils actively support the wellbeing of other pupils. Attendance is excellent. |
Personal Development
Grade: Outstanding |
The school is deeply inclusive and nurturing.
Provision for SMSC is outstanding as the school goes beyond the expected, so that pupils have access to a wide, rich set of experiences allowing pupils to develop their talents and interests. |
Leadership & Management
Grade: Outstanding |
School leaders have sustained excellence over time and have the ambition and capacity to continue this journey.
The school is ever improving the curriculum being provided to all pupils, including personalised curriculums for pupils with complex needs. The school has rigorous safeguarding procedures and places high importance on pupil safety. |
Quality of Education in Early Years
Grade: Outstanding |
The rich EYFS curriculum ensures children’s ‘school readiness’ and prioritises vocabulary acquisition and reading for pleasure at its heart. Teaching is highly effective and high quality interactions ensure children develop their language skills, creativity, empathy, communication and confidence. |
Priorities for 23/24 | Our strategic priorities are:
Continuous school improvement priorities: