About the SJSJ PTA
A Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a great way to bring together parents and carers, teachers and the local community to raise funds and to support the school.
The St John and St James’ PTA was founded in 2010.
In recent years, they have funded the school’s pond in the amphitheatre, £1,000 of reading books and the red and black benches dotted around the playground.
PTA Class Representatives
Want to find out more?
Speak to your PTA Class Rep.
Nursery: vacant
Reception: vacant
Year 1: Dorothea Pio
Year 2: Geraldine Vessiere, Louise Lawrence and Selma Kaya
Year 3: Karen Widdowson
Year 4: John Heaton
Year 5: Jan Bedford
Year 6: Karen Widdowson
If you would like to become one of our PTA Class Reps or if you would like to be added to our mailing list, please speak to one of the class reps or alternatively you can email us.
Contact the PTA
You can get in touch by emailing the PTA directly on:
Please let us know if you would like to be added to our mailing list.