What is safeguarding?
At St John and St James’, Safeguarding runs through everything we do. Our policies all reference the government’s document ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (2014).
Safeguarding is not only about protecting children from abuse and neglect. It is also about doing what is best for children to ensure that they are provided with opportunities to become successful adults.
Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility and children have a right to be safe in all environments, for example, at home, school, on the street and even on the internet. It is therefore the role of teachers, learning mentors, doctors, nurses, social workers, police officers, faith leaders, sports coaches and all other adults to ensure that children are safe from harm.
What does the school do to ensure that suitable adults are employed to work in our school?
Our school follows strict guidance, such as adhering to strict checking and vetting procedures. At least one member of staff and governor on each interview panel will have received specific ‘Safer Recruitment Training’. In this way, we ensure that all adults we recruit are safe.
All adults working with our children will be subject to a satisfactory enhanced DBS. Visitors must also show photo ID. If a visitor has photo ID, but cannot show valid DBS clearance, they will be supervised at all times.
Who should I speak to if I have concerns about a Looked After child?
Our school has a designated Looked After Child Officer, Mr Josh Watson (SEND Lead). If you have any concerns about a looked after child, you should make an appointment to speak with him as your first port of call. You can do so by visiting the main office and requesting a meeting with the ‘Designated Looked After Child Officer’.