18 Mar PTA – Spring plant sale
Spring Plant Sale – Friday 29th April 2022 – plants needed!
The SJSJ PTA is planning a Spring plant sale and we will need donations of plants to sell. Please get involved by starting off some cuttings of your favourite houseplant, or plant some seeds ready to have some young plants for us to sell at the end of April in aid of the SJSJ PTA. Please start planting now as the plants will need several weeks to get established!
Need some inspiration?
Think spider plants, money plants, Mexican hat/mother of thousands plants, prayer plants, umbrella plants, tomatoes, courgettes, chillis, salad leaves, radishes, sunflowers, herbs or even a venus fly trap! Any plants that are happy living in a pot on a windowsill or balcony are especially welcome.
If you would like to nurture some plants for the sale but are not sure where to start, please email stjohnandstjamespta@gmail.com for advice. We may be able to provide seeds, compost and pots on a first-come-first-served basis.