Sports Day 2021
We were all very excited to finally be allowed to partake in our annual Sports Day at London fields in July 2021 when the COVID restrictions were lifted. Take a look at some of the events that took place...
We were all very excited to finally be allowed to partake in our annual Sports Day at London fields in July 2021 when the COVID restrictions were lifted. Take a look at some of the events that took place...
This half term, we are focusing on our gymnastics skills during our PE lessons. Take a look at some of the skills that the children have been learning...
Two children from Year 1 and six children from Year 2 were selected to represent SJSJ in the Young Hackney multi-skills festival. The children took part in six fun different activities during the day, testing their agility, reactions and striking skills amongst others. Mr Charles...
Congratulations to our pupils who attended the "Berger 5's" dodgeball competition on Friday. The children put on a fantastic performance which landed us in third place. Both Amelle and Sean received individual awards for excellence. Well done to all pupils who attended: Amelle our captain,...
On Thursday 25th November, the 8 Primary Advantage schools came together to compete in a Netball competition. The SJSJ Netball team went along to the games with Mr Charles and played incredibly well. By the end of the rounds, SJSJ finished up in 3rd place! Well done...
Netball team: Zi Qi, Keichardae, Amelle, Jemimah, Johanna, Noah, Jeffrey and Ephraim. During the Autumn term, our netball team have been competing at the Young Hackney netball competition. All pupils have demonstrated a high level of focus throughout and supported each other in the understanding of rules...
Click here to take a look at what's been happening in Year 5 this week...
We are looking for high quality candidates to train to teach with us from September 2022 on the School Direct Tuition (PGCE) route. Our training is offered in partnership with the Institute of Education – UCL, a global leader in teacher education, whose teacher-training is...
In history Year 1 have been looking at the industrial revolution. This week they have looked at how transport has changed from before industrialisation, during and after. The children looked at different sources and used their historical enquiry skills to think about what they could...
This week the Nursery children began their ’Art Project’. The class have been looking at the British artist Goldsworthy, an artist known for his sculptures and photography. Goldsworthy creates land art all around the world using natural materials such as leaves, twigs, peddles, rocks and...