What’s happening in Year 5 – Week 5
Year 5 went to London Zoo for the end of year trip. Take a look and see what they were up to...
Year 5 went to London Zoo for the end of year trip. Take a look and see what they were up to...
On Wednesday, Year 4 spent the day exploring natural habitats at Hyde Park. They began by working in pairs and used nets to capture insects and bugs that live among the tall grass in the meadows. They discovered things like daytime moths, spiders, lady bugs...
For homework this week Luca made a beautiful piece of artwork for children's art week. Year 2 also attended Hackney Music Festival this week. [gallery ids="9450,9451"] ...
This week Year 4 dived into Hackney’s past by taking part in a workshop, led by Hackney Museum. The children explored a selection of suitcases at the museum and worked together to unpick the clues and props, that revealed a story about who the case...
Year 6 have had an amazing week this week, as they have been lucky enough to go to The Aquatics centre in Stratford for swimming lessons each morning! The children have shown such brilliant progress in their swimming through their listening skills and resilient attitudes. Most children in...
What a brilliant science trip! Year 3 were scientists for the day at the Royal Institute of Great Britain last Friday. We had an amazing time doing hands-on science and using fruits to dye fabric. [gallery ids="9254,9255,9256,9257,9258"]...
Last week Year 2 enjoyed their visit to the London Aquarium. [gallery ids="9249,9250,9251"]...
The children visited Hyde Park for an amazing workshop on plants. They enjoyed using the magnifying lens to look at different plants and animals close up and enjoyed planting their very own beans. We enjoyed our lunch overlooking the Serpentine. A thoroughly good day was...
Year 5 had a wonderful trip to Hackney Museum and St Augustine's clock tower. We learnt a lot about our local history in Hackney and had an exciting experience climbing up the clock tower! [gallery ids="9108,9109,9110,9111,9112,9113"]...
Year 3 had a fantastic day exploring plants last Friday. In spite of getting rather wet in the heavy rain, we had a fantastic day and had the opportunity to put all our Science learning to good use. They even corrected the teacher and explained...