Year 5, A2, Week 2
Year 5 have been learning all about forces and measuring the weights and mass using scales and a force meter. The class worked scientifically by taking precise measurements and had lots of fun. ...
Year 5 have been learning all about forces and measuring the weights and mass using scales and a force meter. The class worked scientifically by taking precise measurements and had lots of fun. ...
This week in maths, Year 4 have been building on their prior learning of measure by using resources such as rulers, measuring tapes and metre sticks to measure and calculate the perimeter of shapes. Earlier this week, they began to explore perimeter by measuring the...
Year 3 really enjoyed the Singing for Wellbeing activity on Wednesday morning. They all had a great time singing songs along with actions. Dominic and Jack said that they particularly like the rhythms of the songs and that it made them feel happy! We’re looking...
Year 2 had a great time on their trip to the Dalston Library. The class became poets and created their own posters about Hackney. They also showed different emotions whilst posing in the photo booth. ...
In Humanities this week, Year 1 have been locating where they are from on a world map. The class have also been finding out where their families are from and where they would find these on a globe. They now know the 7 continents of the...
This week in Reception, the class have been focusing on close observational painting. They observed different pumpkins and squash and improved their painting skills. Later in the week the class built on their previous learning about shapes with 1, 2, 3, and 4 sides by...
In Nursery this week, they have been looking at the Hindu festival of Diwali, a festival of light for their RE lessons. The children familiarised themselves with the story of ‘Rama and Sits’ and explored the different ways Hindu people celebrate the festival. One way...
Year 6 had a brilliant time at Dalston library, as part of a Windrush Workshop with Autograph Gallery. The children began by working with a poet to write poems about Hackney and what the borough means to the children. They used figurative language to describe the borough, notably...
Year five have started learning all about forces in their science unit! The completed a range of scientific exploration activities in a carousel. They were investigating pushes and pulls, contact and non-contact forces, which recapped their year three learning all about forces and magnets. ...
As part of an introduction to their new geography unit, 'Italy and Volcanoes' Year 4 took part in an interactive Geobus workshop this week. The children were led through a series of activities based on the formation of rocks that lay under the Earth's surface....