What’s happening in Year 3 – Week 3
This half term, Year 3 have been exploring the programme scratch for computing. They will be using the programme to create their own interactive stories, games and animations. [gallery ids="20797,20798,20799"]...
This half term, Year 3 have been exploring the programme scratch for computing. They will be using the programme to create their own interactive stories, games and animations. [gallery ids="20797,20798,20799"]...
This week, in Computing, we were introduced to our brand new topic: programming using Scratch. We recapped key terms that we have seen before, including ‘sprite’, and practised adding sprites and changing backgrounds independently. We then looked at what variables are in computing: a value...
This week, Year 6 were introduced to a CAD (computer aided design) software. We now know that software can be used to create models on the computer which can then be translated into real life. We talked about the pros of using CAD and it’s...
This week in Year 1 our highlight was improving our computing skills! We have been learning about ways to be safe when using computers and are now beginning to learn how to use the paint tool in Computing. We are still working on controlling a mouse...
This week in Year 1, our highlight has been visiting the computing suite at school. We have been learning about how to stay safe online when using computers, so we were ready! This week we were learning about controlling a computer mouse and using it...
In computing this week, Year 4 have been looking at edited images. We discussed what the purpose for editing images was and why individuals and companies would want to edit a photograph. We also looked at a range of different images to work out what...
This week, Year 3 started using Hour of Code, as part of their computing lessons. They worked through a series of lessons on the programme to understand what each block represents and how putting blocks together creates an algorithm to control the angry bird. Once...
In Year 5 this term, we have really noticed how our learning in different subjects links together. In maths, we completed our statistics topic, in which we learnt to analyse tables of data and represent it using graphical representations. During our geography fieldwork, we applied this knowledge...
We have had a lot of fun this week in Year 2. We started by exploring a character's thoughts and feelings through role-play; which showed some true talent in our class! We then learned all about equal and unequal parts of a whole by folding...
We have completed our Hour Of Code course during our computing lessons this half term. We have learnt to sequence commands of code to achieve a desired outcome; we have detected bugs in our code and gone through a debugging process to rectify these; used...