What’s happening in Year 2 – Week 3
In Year 2 this week the children have been brainstorming adjectives and adverbs in preparation for their persuasive writing. Take a look...
In Year 2 this week the children have been brainstorming adjectives and adverbs in preparation for their persuasive writing. Take a look...
This week in Maths, we have been looking at Place Value of numbers up to 100. We understand that two digit numbers are made of tens and ones. We partitioned these numbers into tens and ones. Then, we used greater than, equal to, or less...
This week in Reception we have been all about chicks! Our 10 eggs arrived on Monday. We learned about how the incubator kept them warm and moist and kept looking for the signs of hatching. By Tuesday we were seeing tiny pip holes and by the...
Linked to our topic country compassion, Nursery have been exploring amazing Africa. We have been exploring traditional instruments such as the Djembe Drum and created an observational drawing. Children looked closely at the shapes, patterns and colours of the drum and created an observational drawing. ...
In light of Refugee Week, Year 6 visited Hackney Museum to take part in a suitcase stories exhibition about individuals and their families who moved to Hackney to seek safety. The children used their prior knowledge to discuss their understanding of 'what a refugee is'...
This week, Year 5 wrote free-verse poems about a Maasai welcoming ceremony. We used fronted adverbials to describe when, where and how events took place, we used figurative language to add interest to our descriptions (including similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia) and we used 'show...
A group of Year 4 and year 5 students have been taking part in a project run by Earthwatch education. They have been learning all about STEM jobs and what skills are needed to be developed to get into these industries. They heard from a...
This week, Year 3 have been learning about light in their science topic. They took part in a carousel of activities to activate their prior learning of this topic. These activities involved defining key terms, identifying light sources and drawing items that are needed to protect...
This week in maths, we have been looking at data. We collected information first using a tally chart and then transferred the information to a block graph. This shows the different ways in which children travel to school. We then used this to question the...
This week in Science, the children were introduced to their new topic- plants! We used the scientific skill of observation to carefully look at a variety of flowers and see if we can spot their features: flower, petals, stem, leaves and bud. We then carefully...