What’s happening in Year 2 – Week 5
In Year 2 this week we have been looking at mass. The children discussed what it means if the scales are balanced and if one side of the scales is lower than the other side...
In Year 2 this week we have been looking at mass. The children discussed what it means if the scales are balanced and if one side of the scales is lower than the other side...
This week, Year 1 have been looking at the impact of immigration. We now know what immigration means and we have been looking at the benefits immigration has on all aspects of our life. We have particularly loved looking at Ridley Road Market in Dalston....
This week in Reception we have been building on our knowledge of shapes. We reviewed what we know about 2d shapes and then used that knowledge to recognise and name 3d shapes. We had fun doing 3d shapes hunts in the classroom, looking especially for...
In maths, Nursery used different 2D shapes to create the main character from our literacy core text 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We used a red circle for the head, a triangle for the nose, two circle eyes and six rectangles for the caterpillars legs. Whilst...
Key words/phrases for this half term are: Week 1 - Estoy cansado. I am tired. Week 2 - Estoy emocionado. I am excited. Week 3 - Tengo hambre. I am hungry Week 4 - Es hora de casa. It's home time! Week 5 - Es tiempo de juego. It's playtime! Week 6 - Es la hora del almuerzo. It's lunch time! This week in Year 3, the children...
This week, to celebrate British Science Week, the children in Year 6 have been conducting an enquiry: Why are dinosaurs extinct? The were able to apply some of their prior biology knowledge about the process of evolution to make predictions about how life on earth has changed...
This week was Science Week! The theme this year is 'changes over time', so in keeping with our 'properties of materials' topic, we investigated whether all liquids flow at the same rate. We carried out all stages of an enquiry: prediction, planning, carrying out an...
As part of Science Week, Year 3 conducted an investigation to see if their reaction times were quicker or slower after exercise. To do this, they worked with their partners; partner A dropped the ruler and partner B caught it. We conducted this twice for both partners....
This week was Science Week! Year 2 spent time learning about the life cycle of moths and butterflies. We have been observing how caterpillars grow, what they eat and how long they can stay in the caterpillar stage. Our caterpillars have finally made it to the...
This week, Year 1 have had the best time celebrating Science Week! The theme this year is time. We investigated whether different methods of preparation affected the setting time of jelly. All children came up with a prediction using their scientific knowledge. We then mixed...