What’s happening in Year 3 – Week 1
This week Year 3 used Rainbow Grammar to practise punctuating direct speech correctly. They used yellow, green, orange and red to colour-code components of direct speech. [gallery ids="10520,10521,10522"]...
This week Year 3 used Rainbow Grammar to practise punctuating direct speech correctly. They used yellow, green, orange and red to colour-code components of direct speech. [gallery ids="10520,10521,10522"]...
In science, Year 2 labelled the different parts of a flower and defined the functions of each part of the flower they labelled. They also discussed the difference in parts between in flower and a tree. [gallery ids="10574,10575,10576"]...
During our Values lesson the children talked about all the things that make them feel very proud. Take a look: [gallery ids="10530,10531"]...
This week in Reception Maths we have been exploring positional language and shapes with 1, 2 or 3 sides. We were inspired by artist Wassily Kandinsky to create our own shape drawings. Why not check out other pieces of art by Kandinsky to see how...
In Nursery this week, linking to our topic 'Autumn' children used natural materials such as conkers, leaves and pine cones to represent facial features when creating an image of a face. [gallery ids="10553,10554"]...
Over the last few weeks, as part of our Black History Month celebrations, Year 6 have been exploring the country of Sierra Leone, in West Africa. We focused our studies specifically on the capital city, Freetown. Once the children had gained some background knowledge about...
Year 5 had a wonderful workshop from two STEM ambassadors on Friday, who were both hydrologists from the Environment Agency. They were investigating how much water different materials absorbed. The materials they investigated were brick, plants and plastic. They then linked this to our new...
This week, Year 4 studied Faith Ringgold’s painted quilts to make our own relief prints. We made mind maps about Ringgold before making our own Black History Month art. [gallery ids="10483,10484"] ...
This week in maths, Year 3 have been adding 3-digit numbers. They have been exchanging between the tens and ones column using the column method. They have been using their number bonds and addition facts to help them add ones, tens and hundreds. [gallery ids="10468,10469,10470,10471"]...
Year 2 have been weaving in art which have been inspired by the amazing Kente cloth from Ghana. We explored different materials and described how they felt before putting them in different categories. We also looked at different patterns used for African materials. [gallery ids="10487,10488,10489"]...