What’s happening in Nursery – Week 3
This week in Nursery our maths focus was to identify the names of 2D shapes. We used shape stamps to print a picture and identify the shapes we printed. [gallery ids="10814,10816"]...
This week in Nursery our maths focus was to identify the names of 2D shapes. We used shape stamps to print a picture and identify the shapes we printed. [gallery ids="10814,10816"]...
In Geography this week, Year 6 continued to expand their knowledge of the island country: Indonesia. They began to look at some of the wildlife that inhabits the land and found that whilst the islands only make up 1.5% of the world's land, it is...
Year 5 have begun learning all about forces in Science. We activated our prior knowledge by investigating pulling and pushing forces in everyday objects. From this, we categorised forces as contact and non-contact forces. [gallery ids="10695,10696,10697,10698,10699"] ...
Year 4 have been trying to create complete circuits in science using a lightbulb, wires and a cell pack. [gallery ids="10733,10734"]...
Year 3 conducted an exciting experiment this week to find out how different surfaces impact the speed of a toy car. We used rough, smooth and fabric surfaces to determine which surface the car moved the furthest on and why. A massive well done to Luca and Amayah...
Year 2 were sorting and classifying bulbs and seeds for Science this week. They discussed the properties of a bulb and seeds and categorised them. They also looked at the similarities and discussed the purpose them. [gallery ids="10729,10730"]...
During our Values lesson this week the children discussed their future goals for Year 1. They spoke beautifully in their partnerships and then wrote down their goals and drew pictures to support. Take a look. Well done Year 1. [gallery ids="10715,10717,10718"]...
This week in reception we have developed our observational skills and learned to use water colour more effectively. We built on what we learned about the painter Kandinsky and also used seasonal pumpkins and squash to inspire us. [gallery ids="10738,10740"]...
At the Malleable table this week in Nursery, the children have been using their fine manipulative skills (finger muscles) to thread paper leaves onto a piece of string to create a ‘Leaf Necklace’. The children were encourage to choose five autumnal coloured leaves and then...
This week, Year 6 launched their new Geography unit in Humanities. They will be learning all about Indonesia and Tsunamis. In the past, the children have explored other natural disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This half term they will have the opportunity to...