22 Mar What’s happening in Year 6 – Week 5
In their most recent writing cycle, Year 6 have been taking inspiration from Macbeth: A Shakespeare Story, by Andrew Matthews. The children used descriptions and events from the text to write a character description of Lady Macbeth. In their immersion lesson, the children explored the impact of powerful language in the text and created a bank of show me, don’t tell me descriptions about Lady Macbeth.
Here is a snippet of Dexter and Kate’s partner paragraph, where they focused on using examples of direct speech to help convey Lady Macbeth’s personality:
Lady Macbeth, filled with joy, excitedly opened the door to greet her husband. She squeezed the life out of Macbeth, as she informed him of her mischievous plan. “I have a potion to give to the guards, they will sleep like babies!” she cackled. Dark and gloomy skies rolled across Scotland, as blood filled the night. Lady Macbeth walked towards her husband with a determined look in her possessed, flaming eyes.