19 Jul What’s happening in Year 5 – Week 7
Posted at 12:06h
in Art and DT, News 19.07.2024, Newsletter, Parents, School Trips, Uncategorised, Year 5
Last week, Year 5 celebrated the end of term with a trip to London Zoo! This tied in to our geography unit ‘Let’s Go On Safari!’ as we got to see many African animals including hippos, zebras, giraffes, hunting dogs and colobus monkeys. We were very lucky to catch a glimpse of baby gorillas and lion cubs! One of the children’s highlights was getting a close up view of the penguins as they swam and dived in front of the glass.
This week, we got to visit the Primary Advantage Art Exhibition in Hackney Library. We enjoyed looking at arts of different disciplines and we were particularly fond of the pieces created by our very own Year 6s!