11 Jun Music at SJSJ
All classes receive an hour’s weekly music lesson from our specialist music teacher, Ms Messenger. Singing is the foundation of our music program, and developing good pitch and a musical ear is a springboard for instrumental learning. As well as singing and exploring different music genres, each year level has an instrumental focus that gives children a chance to experience quality musical learning over the course of that year.
EYFS – Singing tunefully and internalising beat/body percussion
Year 1 – Untuned Percussion
Year 2 – Tuned and Untuned Percussion
Year 3 – Recorder & Glockenspiel/Xylophone (due to covid our recorder program is paused for now).
Year 4 – Ukulele
Year 5 – Guitar
Year 6 – Guitar continuers, Keyboard skills & whole class band.
We also endeavour to involve our students in a wide range of outside musical experiences where . For example, our Year 4 students are currently part of Young Voices “Biggest Sing” where we are part of a Guinness World Record attempt to have the most children singing online together at the same time!
(336 000 singers!!)
Here is a sample of Music learning from our Year 2 and Year 4 cohorts.