29 Sep Spanish at SJSJ
Key words/phrases for this half term are:
Week 2 – Bienvenidos. Welcome
Week 3 – Buenas días. Good morning.
Week 4 – Buenas tardes. Good afternoon.
Week 5 – Buenos noches. Goodnight.
Week 6 – Adiós. Goodbye.
Week 7 – Hasta mañana. See you tomorrow.
SJSJ is excited to announce our new Spanish Ambassadors across Key Stage 2. Throughout the academic year the children will organise celebrations across the schools for the events such as Multicultural Evening and Hackney Hispanic Week. They will also lead on some of the teaching and monitoring within their own classrooms, as well as applying their new language skills to share stories, songs and rhymes with the children in Nursery to Year 2.
Our new Ambassadors are really excited to step into their new roles and cannot wait to share their Spanish learning across the school.
Year 3 – Kyomi & Blake
Year 4 – Imogen & Manuel
Year 5 – Lila & Jayden
Year 6 – Sol & Khamil