10 Nov Spanish at SJSJ
Key words/phrases for this half term are:
Week 1 – Hasta luego. See you soon.
Week 2 – Gracias. Thank you.
Week 3 – Por favor. Please.
Week 4 – Abrid la puerta. Open the door.
Week 5 – Cerrad la puerta. Close the door.
Week 6 – Silencio, por favor. Silence, please.
Week 7 – Feliz Navidad. Happy Christmas!
In Spanish lessons, Year 4 have been learning how to describe the weather. They have been practising asking and answering the question: ¿Qué tiempo hace? and are very confident at recognising the different types of weather. This week, the children combined their weather vocabulary with some geography skills to read a map of the weather patterns in places across Spain. They created a simple conversation on a familiar topic and were able to draw upon their prior knowledge and visual support to help them. Scan the QR codes to listen to some of their conversations…