01 Mar Spanish at SJSJ
Key words/phrases for this half term are:
Week 1 – Estoy cansado. I am tired.
Week 2 – Estoy emocionado. I am excited.
Week 3 – Tengo hambre. I am hungry
Week 4 – Es hora de casa. It’s home time!
Week 5 – Es tiempo de juego. It’s playtime!
Week 6 – Es la hora del almuerzo. It’s lunch time!
This week in Spanish, the children in Year 3 combined their prior knowledge of ‘el alfabeto’ and ‘los colores’ to identify, read aloud and write the names of a range of familiar colours. In pairs, the children assessed each other’s pronunciation of key vocabulary words and applied them to real-life contexts through asking questions about their peers’ favourite colour. The children also used their vocabulary to join in with a familiar song – scan the QR code to listen to how they got on!