12 Feb What’s been happening in Year 6 – Week 6
Year 6 have done brilliantly this week in their writing lessons. Their writing assessment consisted of re-telling the start of Macbeth from two different viewpoints: Macbeth’s and The Witches’ perspectives. They showcased all of their extensive vocabulary, as well as their ability to use figurative language to create vivid imagery in their readers’ minds. Similarly, they showed they were able to use direct speech accurately, as well as embellish their main clauses with subordinate and relative clauses. Miss Bienias has been so impressed with the quality of writing being produced and the careful editing that the class do, in order to ensure their work reads clearly and their ideas are expressed coherently to their reader. Well done Year 6!
Below is Manha’s introduction, which is depicting the scene where Macbeth and Banquo have been victorious in battle and meet the three witches, written from Macbeth’s perspective.
As the moon hung lifelessly in the sky, I lay frail and weak on the ground. My body felt as cold as ice, while my hands were covered in layers of blood. My dear friend Banquo had come with me all of this way. Our bodies sang in agony, as we dragged ourselves towards the heath. We had decided we wanted to explore it, although our bodies told us otherwise. Our bodies aching, we hauled ourselves up the hill. I thought I had seen silhouetted ghosts in the distance, but told myself the fatigue was talking.