10 May What’s happening in Reception – Week 4
This week in Reception we have immersed ourselves in the traditional tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. Our own beans have started to grow and each child transplanted their own, giving them concrete experiences of growing and connections with our story. Over the week we made a class beanstalk, working as a team to add leaves, vines, flowers and of course little bits of shiny magic. The final step was imagining what it would be like to climb such a giant beanstalk ourselves. We had mixed emotion! We posed for pictures and added ourselves to the beanstalk we had made. We were so proud to show our parents what we had worked on all week to make together.
As we dived deeper into Jack and the Beanstalk this week, we had magic beans everywhere! We made them to build our fine motor and creative skills, choosing many different designs to make each bean unique. Children used the magic beans they had made to act out the story and enjoyed becoming more dramatic as the week went by. We also used the beans to support our subitising skills in Math. Children need to be able to see (without counting) objects up to 5 by the end of the year. They used their composition facts to make larger numbers like 6, 7 or 8 by combining the smaller parts they subsidised. It was fun, challenging ourselves to see how quickly we could recognise the total.