09 Jun Nursery & Reception – Summer 1
In summer 1, Nursery have been looking at the British artist Chris Offilil. They have been exploring his paintings and have been inspired to create their own whole class mixed media piece in response to his work ‘Afrodizzia’ (2nd version) 1996. The class used paints, inks, pens, fingerprints & photos of themselves to make their artwork.
In Reception, the class finished their art project based on the prints and paintings by British-Nigerian artist Yinka Shonibare. Last week they carefully designed and carved our printing tiles. This week they used the special printing ink and rollers to print our tiles onto brightly coloured fabric. It was very messy and great fun! Their other exciting news is that the class butterflies finally emerged from their chrysalises. They sang their goodbye song and released them into the wild. Reception hope that they all go and continue their amazing life-cycle.