03 Nov Spanish at SJSJ
Key words/phrases for this half term are:
Week 1 – Hasta luego. See you soon.
Week 2 – Gracias. Thank you.
Week 3 – Por favor. Please.
Week 4 – Abrid la puerta. Open the door.
Week 5 – Cerrad la puerta. Close the door.
Week 6 – Silencio, por favor. Silence, please.
Week 7 – Feliz Navidad. Happy Christmas!
Last half term in Year 3, the children were learning all about Spanish greetings and sounds for the very first time! They have done an absolutely incredible job of learning Spanish as a second language and have shown a great deal of resilience in their approach to it. In their final lesson of unit 1, the children combined their new learning to create, rehearse and perform a short conversation with their peers. Each and every child should be immensely proud of their effort and confidence!