17 Nov Spanish at SJSJ
Key words/phrases for this half term are:
Week 1 – Hasta luego. See you soon.
Week 2 – Gracias. Thank you.
Week 3 – Por favor. Please.
Week 4 – Abrid la puerta. Open the door.
Week 5 – Cerrad la puerta. Close the door.
Week 6 – Silencio, por favor. Silence, please.
Week 7 – Feliz Navidad. Happy Christmas!
This week in Spanish, Year 5 began to explore their new unit of work: ‘La Cucaracha’.
The children will be learning about lots of different musical instruments and will have the opportunity to learn and perform a song with a familiar tune in Spanish. To begin, the children listened to typical Spanish-style music and wrote simple sentences to express their opinions. Some children were able to use a word bank to extend their opinions, explaining reasons why they made their given choices.