22 Mar Spanish at SJSJ
Key words/phrases for this half term are:
Week 1 – Estoy cansado. I am tired.
Week 2 – Estoy emocionado. I am excited.
Week 3 – Tengo hambre. I am hungry
Week 4 – Es hora de casa. It’s home time!
Week 5 – Es tiempo de juego. It’s playtime!
Week 6 – Es la hora del almuerzo. It’s lunch time!
This half term in Year 5, the children have been learning all about Mi Ciudad – My city. They have been developing a bank of vocabulary to help them identify places within our local area and then using their directional language to give directions about how to travel from one place to another on a stimulated map. This week, the children combined all of their learning to create their very own city – labelling the key places and giving verbal instructions about how to get around. Take a look at some of their city designs…