23 Jun Spanish at SJSJ
Key words/phrases for this half term are:
Week 1 – Hace sol. It is sunny.
Week 2 – Hace calor. It is hot.
Week 3 – Hace calor y hay niebla. It is hot and cloudy.
Week 4 – ¡Felicitaciones! Congratulations
Week 5 – Much gusto. Nice to meet you.
Week 6 – Cuídate. Take care.
Week 7 – ¡Buena suerte! Good luck!
This week, Year 4 used their prior knowledge of places in ‘la ciudad’ (the city) to create their own city! The children were able to confidently recall the translations of places within our local area, like un cine (the cinema), un museo (the museum) and un supermercado (a supermarket). Next week, the children will begin to annotate their maps with directions of how to get from one place to another. Take a look at what they have created so far…