08 Mar What’s happening in Year 5 – Week 3
This week, Year 5 began a new writing cycle, creating a suspenseful action scene, based on our class text Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan.
We immersed ourselves in this style of writing on Monday, analysing the language used by a range of authors to make action scenes engaging. We identified some common techniques within the extracts: short, snappy sentences; five senses description; powerful adjectives and adverbs; empty words to add mystery.
On Tuesday, our grammar lesson was focused on preparing fronted adverbials, which we would later use in our writing. We recalled that adverbials are used to describe when, where or how events take place. We all ensured we started our fronted adverbial with a capital letter – as it is the start of our sentence – and ended it with a comma.
On Wednesday, we began to plan and write our action scene. We will continue to write and edit these next week, before performing our scenes on the Seesaw app for everyone at home to enjoy!